As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
abstract class 234
acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) 119
Add to Favorite feature
current implementation, refactoring 270-276
implementing 262-267
multiple cities, enabling in favorite list 276-279
weather list, refactoring 279
weather modeling 267-270
Anti-Corruption Layer (ACL) 150, 151, 229, 285, 290
fallback or default value, using 153-155
implementing 259-262
usage 151-153
anti-patterns 13, 286
business leakage 287
code duplications 287
complicated logic, in views 15, 16, 287
duplicated code 18
in-component data transformation 14, 15
lack of tests 16, 17, 287
long component, with too much responsibility 18, 19
long props list/big component 286
props drilling 13, 14, 286
application headline
implementing 130-132