Responding to a button
Many applications using the Raspberry Pi require that actions are activated without a keyboard and screen attached to it. The GPIO pins provide an excellent way for the Raspberry Pi to be controlled by your own buttons and switches without a mouse/keyboard and screen.
Getting ready
You will need the following equipment:
- 2 x DuPont female to male patch wires
- Mini breadboard (170 tie points) or a larger one
- Push button switch (momentary close) or a wire connection to make/break the circuit
- Breadboarding wire (solid core)
- 1k ohm resistor
The switches are as seen in the following diagram:

The push button switch and other types of switch
The switches used in the following examples are single pole single throw (SPST) momentary close push button switches. Single pole (SP) means that there is one set of contacts that makes a connection. In the case of the push switch used here, the legs on each side are connected together with a single pole switch in the middle. A double pole ...