Creating an AWS account
This section is for setting up a root account in AWS by a system administrator. We will go over the fundamental steps needed to set up an AWS account and start the Amazon Braket service.
To set up a new AWS Braket account, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to
This will give you more information about Amazon Braket before you sign up.
- Now, you can click on Get Started with Amazon Braket.
Alternatively, you click on Sign In to the Console. In either case, you should see the following screen:
Figure 1.2 – The console's sign-in screen
- Select Create a new AWS account.
- The following dialog box will appear:
Figure 1.3 – The Sign up for AWS screen
- Now you can sign up with a new account. There will be five steps, and you will be asked to add your credit card information and select the level of the account...