Increasingly, enterprise-scale applications are being hosted and managed in software-defined cloud environments. As cloud technologies and tools are quickly maturing and stabilizing, cloud adoption as the one-stop IT solution for producing and running all kinds of business workloads is rapidly growing across the globe. However, there are a few crucial challenges in successfully running cloud centers (public, private, hybrid, and edge). The aspects of automation and orchestration are being lauded as the way forward to surmount the challenges that are brewing in operating clouds and for realizing the originally envisioned benefits of the cloud idea. The widely expressed concern associated with the cloud is reliability (resiliency and elasticity). The other noteworthy trend is the emergence of web-scale and mobile-enabled operational, transactional, and analytical applications. It is therefore essential to ensure the stability, fault tolerance, and high availability of data and process-intensive applications as far as possible. The reliability concern is being overwhelmingly tackled through the smart leveraging of pioneering technologies.
This book is articulating and accentuating how a suite of breakthrough technologies and tools blend well to ensure the highest degree of reliability, not only for professional and personal applications, but also for cloud infrastructures. Let's envisage and embrace reliable systems.