In this chapter, we learned the core concepts of Azure Container Apps, the newest serverless container option in Azure.
We effortlessly managed to deploy the Dapr microservices to Azure Container Apps with no changes to the code or containers. By leveraging a simplified control plane via the Azure portal and the Azure CLI, we configured a complex solution with minimal effort.
By experimenting with revisions, we briefly touched on a powerful feature of Azure Container Apps that can simplify the adoption of blue/green or canary deployment practices.
By testing the scaling features in Azure Container Apps, we learned how easy it is to leverage KEDA, as it is an integral part of the Azure service.
The objective of the fictional company behind the Biscotti Brutti Ma Buoni solution, stated at the beginning of this chapter, was to find a suitable platform to offer the solution—the one we built with Dapr in this book—to external businesses with a SaaS approach...