So far, we have mostly discussed in the abstract sense DevOps and the IoT and the future of the IoT.
To get a feel for what we can do in hands-on terms, let's make a simple IoT device that connects to a Jenkins server and presents a build status display. This way, we get to try out an IoT device and combine it with our DevOps focus!
The status display will just present a blinking LED in the event that a build fails. The project is simple but can be expanded upon by the creative reader. The IoT device selected for this exercise is quite versatile and can do much more than make an LED blink!
The project will help to illustrate some of the possibilities as well as challenges of the IoT.
The NodeMCU Amica is a small programmable device based on the ESP8266 chip from Espressif. Apart from the base ESP8266 chip, the Amica board has added...