Some background about the D3 architecture
D3 is a combination of several of the Web's most popular languages and documents. In this section, we will highlight some of the basics within each one as that will ultimately assist with understanding D3 better.
Exploring HTML
Hypertext Markup Language, or as it is commonly known as HTML, is the language used for markup on the Web. We see elements in HTML for every web page we visit; we just don't know it. Anytime we see a paragraph title or comments in a text field, that's an example of HTML. However, it is not likely to find a web page that has only HTML content as that would look like a very boring page. If you've been around the block a few times and remember the look and feel of websites from the early 90's, they looked pretty bland because they were primarily built with just HTML. A pretty-looking website needs to have color and style to make it stand out.
To learn more about HTML, visit the following website: