What cybersecurity is and why it’s important
The goal of cybersecurity is to prevent unauthorized access to a network or system. In a more lay sense, cybersecurity aims to prevent hackers from breaking into a system and stealing data or using a system’s functionality. In terms of automation, this could be someone who breaks into a system to tamper with it by shutting it down, damaging it by having it move uncontrollably, or any other nefarious action. Again, think of the railroad crossing example from the introduction. Put simply, cybersecurity is there to ensure that only the right people with the right intentions can access and control a machine or view its data.
Recently, cyberattacks have been on the rise. This increase has been due to many factors such as COVID-19, the rise of remote work, and, of course, artificial intelligence (AI). With the rise of digital systems, bad actors are increasingly using cyberattacks for financial gains, political/military (Stuxnet...