Consuming messages from a topic with non-durable/durable subscription
Subscribing to and consuming messages from a JMS topic is similar to consuming messages from a JMS queue. The main difference between a topic and a queue is that the topic can have multiple subscribers and that a subscription can either be durable or non-durable. With a durable topic, a message that cannot be delivered due to the subscriber being unavailable will be kept by the JMS server and delivered later when the subscriber is back online.
In this recipe, we will show you how to implement a proxy service as a subscriber for the topic. The proxy service will act as a listener on the JMS topic and will get active as soon as a message arrives in the topic. First we implement the non-durable subscription and show the durable subscription in the There's more... section later.

Getting ready
For this recipe, we need the JMS topic SourceTopic from the OSB Cookbook standard environment.
How to do it...
Let's implement the proxy...