Invoking an OSB service from SCA composite asynchronously
In this recipe, we will call an OSB service from a SCA Suite composite. The OSB service consists of a proxy service CustomerManagementAsync with a one-way interface accepting the call and a business service CustomerManagementCallback, which implements the callback interface for sending the response back to the SOA Suite in an asynchronous manner:

Getting ready
Copy the soa-suite-invoking-osb-service-async-from-sca-composite
holding the JDeveloper project from \chapter-8\getting-ready\invoking-osb-service-async-from-sca-composite\
into a local workspace folder.
Import the base OSB project containing the necessary schemas and the right folder structure into Eclipse from \chapter-8\getting-ready\invoking-osb-service-async-from-sca-composite
How to do it...
We start with the OSB side where we will create a proxy service which has a one-way interface. In the proxy service we first only add a pipeline pair, which logs the SOAP header. By that...