Using reusable sub-processes
In this practice activity, we want to explore how to use reusable sub-processes. You may recall from Chapter 1, Inter-process Communication, that a reusable sub-process follows the pattern of starting with a Start node with type None and ending with an End node with type None. They are called from a parent process with the Call activity.
The Called
process that we created in the first two practice activities actually follows this pattern; however, we did not use a Call activity to invoke it in those practice activities.
You may also recall from Chapter 1, Inter-process Communication, that a reusable sub-process does not have access to its parent's variables unless they are passed in by the parent as arguments . In a reusable sub-process, you define the input and output arguments for the process at the process level, not on the Start and End nodes.
The Receive and Send tasks in the Called
process we saw earlier are not the mechanism used for passing data in and...