Building Pipelines for NLP Projects
What does the word pipeline refer to? In general, pipeline refers to a structure that allows a streamlined flow of air, water, or something similar. In this context, pipeline has a similar meaning. It helps to streamline various stages of an NLP project.
An NLP project is done in various stages, such as tokenization, stemming, feature extraction (tf-idf matrix generation), and model building. Instead of carrying out each stage separately, we create an ordered list of all these stages. This list is known as a pipeline. Let's solve a text classification problem using a pipeline in the next section.
Exercise 38: Building Pipelines for NLP Projects
In this exercise, we will develop a pipeline that will allow us to create a TF-IDF matrix representation from sklearn's fetch_20newsgroups
text dataset. Follow these steps to implement this exercise:
- Open a Jupyter notebook.
- Insert a new cell and add the following code to import...