Chapter 8. Common Multimedia Issues in Moodle
In this chapter, we will discuss some common issues in using the several kinds of multimedia elements that we have discussed so far in our courses. In particular, this chapter considers copyright issues and referring to sources, Internet safety (as our students will be using Web 2.0 tools in broader communities, and this has risks), and discusses some issues with regard to Web 2.0 applications, such as backups. Finally, we will see some Moodle modules and plug-ins that can be interesting if we want to extend Moodle's multimedia capabilities.
Copyright issues
When using multimedia works that have been created by others and that are not licensed under a Creative Commons or similar license (a license in which the author grants others the right to use the work under certain conditions), we should assume that the work is an All rights reserved creative work. This means that almost all use of it is protected by law (for example, for the United Kingdom...