Exploring auxiliary modules for scanning
Auxiliary modules are the in-built modules of a Metasploit that can help us perform a variety of tasks. They are different from exploits as they run on the pen-tester's machine and also it does not provide any shell. There are more than 350 different auxiliary modules present in the Metasploit framework, each having specific tasks. Here we will discuss the scanner auxiliary modules.
Getting ready
To use any auxiliary modules, we will have to follow three simple steps in order to make our module ready to launch. Let us go through the three-step process.
Activating the module: The
command is used to set the particular module active and ready to take commands.Setting specifications: The
command is used to set up the various parameters that the module requires to execute.Running the module: After completing the first two steps, the
command is used to finally execute the module and generate the result.
To view the available scanning...