Hopefully, you now know of the great potential of metaprogramming. It is very powerful. This comes with great responsibility – the balance of code you don’t see that magically gets added either at compile time or runtime versus the explicitness in every code file is a hard one. From my experience, new developers coming into a code base with a lot of implicit automation can run into trouble and might end up not trusting the magic.
But after a while, once they get used to it, they tend to want more magic. The benefits are clear once you have experience with them, but it might be a bit scary at first. To remedy this, you should communicate the automation you have. That will at least make it adhere more to the principle of least surprise.
In the next chapter, we will dive into more concrete concepts of metaprogramming and look at what’s behind the concepts. We’ll become familiar with how the .NET runtime sees code and the metadata it produces and how this can be leveraged in a running application. Finally, we’ll learn how to extend this metadata.