As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
abortTransaction: 199
abstraction: 59, 93
accessibility: 7-8, 392, 397
accessList: 46, 261
accounts: 39, 52, 163, 189, 191, 234
accumulator: 174
accuracy: 222, 242
ACID properties: 185, 187-189, 191, 202-203
ACID-compliant: 191, 203
ActiveMQ: 276
addFields: 135
addShard: 367
addToSet: 157-158, 199-200
adept: 274
adminCommand: 14, 17, 25-27, 105, 269, 365, 371, 385-386
administer: 47, 107, 342
adminMongoDB: 346-347
adminRole: 108-109
Admins: 348
adminUser: 108-109
Advisor: 32, 237
AES-: 235, 387
agencies: 1
Agent: 319-320
Aggregate-type: 248
agility: 303
AI: 1, 240
AI-powered: 240, 242
alert: 238, 320, 322, 330-333, 369
algorithm: 9-10, 71, 182, 215, 235, 242, 290, 387-388, 391-393, 395
allocate: 25
allowDiskUse: 185
allowTLS: 383,...