An overview of MeteorJS' reactivity
One of the important and prominent features of the MeteorJS framework is the reactivity. The framework provides reactivity out of the box. MeteorJS' reactivity has reduced development time considerably.
A notable thing is that developers need not wire the change to the views. The view layer is reactive enough to update the interfaces almost instantaneously. MeteorJS employs Blaze brilliantly to handle the instant updates to the views. In the previous chapter, we saw how Blaze breaks the templates to DOM element in order to update the elements that can undergo change when the data changes.
Apart from the view layer, MeteorJS provides us with the ability to auto-run methods when data changes. When there is a change in the cursor, we can run an arbitrary method to do some operation. This reactivity is provided to the extent that it can be used even with entities that are not reactive by default. For example, we can listen to arbitrary value changes...