Keys to a successful installation
Magento has made the installation process a reasonably easy-to-follow affair. Since you've probably completed at least one installation before (and who hasn't tried Magento out-of-the-box?), you're familiar with the process.
However, you can make the installation more successful just by adhering to the following battle-tested advice.
If you have never installed Magento before, it is not all that difficult. For assistance, there are a number of great resources, including the Packt book, Magento 2: Beginner's Guide. The Magento website also has an installation wiki (
Avoid the bleeding edge
If your Magento installation is to go live in short order, you should always avoid installing the latest, greatest version of Magento (or any other platform, for that matter). As a best practice, we never use any version where the third version number ends in zero, such as version...