Overview of the MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool
In some cases, there is not enough existing functionality to troubleshoot the issue. In this case we should use the MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance Logging (DAPL) tool. It allows us to enable trace. Let's open the DAPL tool using the CLI:
# cd /mstr10/microstrategy_home/HealthCenterInstance/bin # ./mstrdiag
As a result, we get the DAPL tool interface:

There is lots of information and settings here. Let's try to better understand what's going on.
First of all, there are two configurations available:
- Diagnostics Configuration - allows us to choose the diagnostics message we want to write in the log
- Performance Configuration - allows us to fine-tune performance logging
In the preceding screenshot, we have the Diagnostics Configuration tab. It has two available configurations:
- CastorServer - information related to server-specific features
- Machine Default - information related to the machine on which...