Creating static images
Using Mapbox services, you can easily create static images in your map. Static images are useful because you may want to limit the user from exploring other areas. Plus, if this is the case, it will save bandwidth from your hosted Mapbox account.
How to do it…
Let's dissect the following Mapbox services request. Most of the request remains the same as the individual tiles' requests in the previous recipe. One important difference is that this time, we provide the latitude, longitude, and zoom level instead of individual tile numbers, as follows:{lon},{lat},{z}/{width}x{height}.{format}?access_token=<your access token>
: This is the longitude; coordinates range from -180 to 180 using a decimal separator.{lat}
: This is the latitude; coordinates range from -85 to 85 using a decimal separator.{z}
: This is the zoom level supported by them and integer ranging from 1 to 19.{width}
: This is the image...