To install the packages, take the following steps:
- Within the Ubuntu VM, first do the following:
sudo apt update
- Now, run the following command in a single line:
sudo apt install git fakeroot build-essential tar ncurses-dev tar xz-utils libssl-dev bc stress python3-distutils libelf-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) bison flex libncurses5-dev util-linux net-tools linux-tools-$(uname -r) exuberant-ctags cscope sysfsutils gnome-system-monitor curl perf-tools-unstable gnuplot rt-tests indent tree pstree smem libnuma-dev numactl hwloc bpfcc-tools sparse flawfinder cppcheck tuna hexdump openjdk-14-jre trace-cmd virt-what
The command installing gcc, make, and perl is done first so that the Oracle VirtualBox Guest Additions can be properly installed straight after. These (Guest Additions) are essentially para-virtualization accelerator software. It's important to install them for optimal performance.
This book, at times, mentions that running a program on another CPU architecture – typically ARM – might be a useful exercise. If you want to try (interesting!) stuff like this, please read on; otherwise, feel free to skip ahead to the Important installation notes section.