UI.R completion
The only thing remaining to do in order to have a fully functional application is display the outputs in UI.R
. As it was explained before, each render variable has a corresponding output counterpart. Back to our example, as explained in the following sections this is how UI.R
is completed.
As it has been explained, every output name corresponds to an object in the output list created in server.R
library(shiny) # Starting line shinyUI(fluidPage( # Application title titlePanel("Adult Dataset"), sidebarLayout( # Sidebar sidebarPanel( h1("Gender"), checkboxGroupInput("gender", "Choose the genders", choices = levels(data.adult$sex), selected = levels(data.adult$sex)), h1("Age"), sliderInput("minage", "Select lower limit", min(data.adult$age), max(data.adult$age), value = min(data.adult$age), step = 1), sliderInput("maxage", "Select upper limit", min(data.adult$age), max(data.adult$age), value = max(data.adult$age), step...