Creating a launch file for the navigation stack
Now we have all the files created and the navigation stack is configured. To run everything, we are going to create a launch file. Create a new file in the chapter9_tutorials/launch
folder, and put the following code in a file with the name move_base.launch
<launch> <!-- Run the map server --> <node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find chapter9_tutorials)/maps/map.yaml" output="screen"/> <include file="$(find amcl)/examples/amcl_diff.launch" /> <node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen"> <rosparam file="$(find chapter9_tutorials)/launch/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap" /> <rosparam file="$(find chapter9_tutorials)/launch/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap" /> <rosparam file="$(find chapter9_tutorials)/launch/local_costmap_params.yaml" command...