Setting up a DApp development environment
In Chapter 8, Developing Your Own Cryptocurrency, and Chapter 9, Smart Contract Development and Test Fundamentals, we created the DigitalArtERC721Token Truffle
project and learned how to use a Truffle tool to compile and deploy the smart contract to our local Ganache instance. We start a Ganache server using the CLI tool. In the next subsections, we will use Ganache desktop as our local development blockchain instance and continue to complete our frontend DApp code. Let’s first install Ganache.
Installing Ganache desktop
To install the desktop version of Ganache, please follow the given steps:
- Go to the Truffle suite website, and download and install Ganache desktop:
- Once installed, open it. This is what the desktop version of Ganache looks like:
Figure 10.7 – Ganache desktop
In the preceding screenshot, we notice the following:
- The...