Depending on the frequency of your checks defined in the application, Azure will start analyzing your FTP server sooner or later. Now, when the evaluation takes place, two things may happen:
- The application is not triggered because there was no change in the files or directories.
- The evaluation is positive and your application is triggered.
The Azure Logic Apps connector handles the state of your FTP server, so you do not have to worry about notifying it about any changes. However, make sure your FTP server does not become too big as it may affect the performance of the logic app. You can very easily extend your logic app with other steps offered in the FTP section, such as the following:
- Copy file—for copying files between servers
- Create file—so that you can create a file on the FTP server
- Delete file—for deleting files from the FTP server
- Get file content—for fetching information about a file
- List files—for browsing files...