Chapter 7. Durandal – The KnockoutJS Framework
Through six chapters, we have built a complete frontend application with the basic libraries.
We have used some libraries to achieve our objective:
- Bootstrap 3: To have a solid, responsive, and cross-browser base style in CSS3
- jQuery: To manipulate the DOM and communicate with the server side through AJAX
- Mockjax: To fake AJAX communication
- MockJSON: To create fake data
- KnockoutJS: To bind data and synchronize JavaScript data and views easily
We have also applied some design patterns to improve the quality of our code:
- The reveal pattern: To show the public interface of our objects and hide the private properties and methods
- The module pattern: To isolate our code and make it portable
- The dependency injection pattern: To improve cohesion and decrease coupling
Finally, we introduced a library that helps us to manage dependencies in our project, RequireJS.
In small projects you can work with just these libraries. When the project grows,...