Updating the settings of a Global Entitlement
Global Entitlements can be edited once created, much like desktop and application pools. Like desktop and application pools, some settings, such as the user assignment method cannot be changed without deleting and recreating the object in question.
The following Global Entitlement settings may be edited after deployment:
General settings, as seen in step 4 of the sections where we created a Global Entitlement (excluding those which cannot be changed)
Local pools which are members of the Global Entitlement, although remember that these changes must be made from the pod where the pool is hosted
Users and groups who are entitled to use the pool
Home Site Overrides, which allow us to set explicit overrides to any home site assignments:
The uses for a Home Site Override vary, but one example would be an employee who lives in one area, but for performance reasons prefers using applications or desktops in another.
You create a Home Site Override by identifying...