Basics of Go
If you have never coded in Go before, I’ll try to sum it up for you without offending the Go experts. Go is an open source programming language from Google inspired by C and C++ but featuring memory protection and automatic management of memory for the stack and heap. As a coder, this means you don’t need to worry much about how you use memory but the Go runtime may take some extra time to rearrange or garbage-collect memory. Unlike scripting, it also means your code must have no syntax errors and compile successfully to build a binary. This includes strong static types and complete syntax during compilation. The good news is that performance and stability for Go are very good compared to scripting, which must be parsed and type-checked every time you run it. Go’s performance is occasionally affected by memory garbage collection performed by the runtime, which scripts must also do anyway.
Goroutines are a simple mechanism for concurrency via lightweight...