- Quiz-tion: There is a theory that strongly influenced the packages ggplot2 and ggvis. This theory is known as:
- String theory
- Best polygon
- Grammar of Graphics
- None of the above
- Quiz-tion: Pick the false statement about interactive graphics.
- They are appropriate for web pages
- They don't ever allow the audience to zoom in and out
- The ggvis and plotly packages allow users to build interactive plots
- The rCharts and googleVis packages allow users to build interactive plots
- Quiz-tion: Which of the following statements is false?
- Overplotting can sometimes be softened by a technique called alpha transparency
- Data manipulation and preprocessing is never required before drawing a plot
- Plots made by ggplot2 cannot be made interactive, not even with the aid of packages such as shiny or plotly
- Knowing HTML and JavaScript can sometimes be helpful while crafting interactive...