Networks in blockchain
In the course of this chapter, you have learned how to develop smart contracts on development blockchains. You’ve tested contracts manually with scripts and you’ve tested them automatically with unit tests. Now, it’s time to deploy a smart contract to the Ethereum mainnet. Before you do that, you should familiarize yourself with other kinds of blockchains that are helpful for developing smart contracts: testnet blockchains. The most popular Ethereum testnet blockchain is Sepolia.
What are the differences between Sepolia and Ganache?
Ganache only runs on your computer and only one computer maintains it. Sepolia runs on the internet and is used by many people. There is a set of validators maintaining the Sepolia network.
This means you can deploy your smart contract to Sepolia and let your friends in a different country use it. It’s not that you cannot do that with Ganache, but Ganache is not scalable for that purpose. It’...