Chapter 24. Basic Switching
It must have been an epic journey so far! Recollect the time when you would have started reading this book, did you ever imagine that things could be this simple? It is worth noting that everything starts off very simple and, slowly and steadily, with the need for more sophisticated systems, the complexity of the technology also increases. Go back to the time when personal computing was not really a thing. It was only used in business and companies such as IBM were only servicing business clients. At that time, people who wanted a personal computer had only one option. They needed to build it from scratch, and to be honest, a lot of people used to do that. It really wasn't that hard either at least from my perspective. But, in contrast to that time, think about what they have become right now. Ever thought of building a computer at home? By building, I mean designing everything and not just assembly of the CPU. It is not very easy.
What I am trying to tell you...