The goal of this book
I wrote this book because I was disappointed with the practicality of the resources available on domain-centric architecture styles, such as Robert C. Martin’s Clean Architecture and Alistair Cockburn’s Hexagonal Architecture.
Many books and online resources explain valuable concepts but not how we can actually implement them.
That’s probably because there is more than one way to implement any architecture style.
With this book, I am trying to fill this void by providing a hands-on-code discussion about creating a web application in the Hexagonal Architecture or “Ports and Adapters” style. In order to live up to that goal, the code examples and concepts discussed in this book provide my interpretation of how to implement a Hexagonal Architecture. There are certainly other interpretations out there, and I do not claim that mine is authoritative.
I certainly hope, however, that you will get some inspiration from the concepts in this book so that you can create your own interpretation of Hexagonal/Clean Architecture.