In this chapter, we took a look at how Go’s concurrency model can be used when writing code in the functional paradigm. We started the chapter with a brief discussion on the difference between concurrency, parallelism, and distributed computing to delineate exactly what concurrency is.
Once we established that concurrency is the ability to do multiple tasks at once (although not necessarily simultaneously), we looked at how we can refactor the functions from Chapter 6 into a concurrent implementation, leveraging channels and goroutines. We concluded this chapter by looking at pipelines, a way to create programs by composing functions together and orchestrating the flow of data with the use of channels. We also looked at how we can create a higher-order function to compose functions (ChainPipes
) and have observed how, through the use of function currying, we can create functions that adhere to our type system without giving up type safety.
In the next and final...