Installing an extension
The developed NAV extension is packed into a .navx file, and is ready to be installed on the NAV server. Now we will see how to publish a package with several simple Powershell commands and install the published extension.
A significant part of the recipe is dedicated to the installation of an SSL certificate that is intended to verify the extension package security.
Getting ready
If you are testing the installation of the extension on your development database, restore the initial state of application objects included in the extension before you continue. Delete custom codeunits and import the base version of the table 32 Item Ledger Entry
. Compile the table after importing. In the Compile dialog, select Force for the Synchronize Schema option.
How to do it...
This walkthrough continues the previous recipe and describes the process of installing the package created in the Developing an extension recipe.
- In the following steps, we will copy the security certificate...