Recipe 24: Addressing the Views Body Field issue
CCK module:
Number field module, included in CCK module
Text Field, included in CCK module
Field Copy module:
Part of CCK's magic is that created fields are automatically available in the Views fields and argument fieldsets. Additionally, developers can write code to make CCK fields sortable and filterable by Views. In essence, CCK field modules give you all the tools you need to enter content, and display it through Views.
There is, however, a commonly discovered quirk when using CCK with the body field. This recipe will demonstrate the quirk, and offer a solution for managing it.
Demonstrating the Body Field issue
Add two fields to the swim_group content type at Administer | Content management | Content types | Swim Group | Add Field (
). It is good practice to prepend the name of the content type (or an abbreviated name) to...