Landmarks to guide the player
Our player will use landmarks to help navigate them through the level. Within most games, almost nothing is placed completely randomly, not even natural landmarks such as rocks and trees. In the game world, there should always be a certain amount of reasoning behind the position, angle, and size of the objects. Landmarks can be just about anything—large or small—that stands out in some way. They can be big objects, such as roads, buildings, and terrain formations; or they can be small, such as markings on walls or even unique objects such as vehicles.
An important consideration when placing landmarks is that they are very useful to help the player to not only navigate in the world, but to also get a feel for the sense of scale in the level.
Using roads in levels
Roads are a very useful landmark within levels, just as in the real world. The Road tool within sandbox can be used to create paths, which direct the player within a level. You can also use the Road tool...