Utilizing the Geom entities instead of brushes
In this recipe, we will show you how to place a Geom entity in your level for later use in the FlowGraph, which will be handled in a different recipe.
Getting ready
Before we begin, you must have Sandbox 3 open
Then open
How to do it...
From the RollupBar, click Geom Entity.
Place down the default/box object.
Right-click the box object and select Create Flow Graph.
Name your FlowGraph
How it works...
Using the Geom entities instead of standard brushes is usually reserved for when a designer wishes to perform some game logic or functions on an object. Anything from FlowGraph Scripting to Trackview animations requires the use of entities and cannot manipulate brushes.
Geom entities are very basic entities that can be of any object type (.cgf
, .cga
, .chr
), whereas brushes are usually reserved for static meshes (.cgf
). Even though Geom entities have very few properties associated with them, they are still entities within the world...