Life span
Each of our shared scopes has a life span. They come into existence at a given point, and cease to exist at a predictable point. Learning to recognize these points is very important. It is also the first aspect of "Scope".
The request scope is created when a request is made to your ColdFusion server from any source. This could either be a web browser, or any type of web application that can make an HTTP request to your server. Any variable placed into the request structure persists until the request processing is complete.
Variable persistence is the property of data remaining available for a set period of time. Without persistence, we would have to make information last by passing all the information from one web page to another, in all forms and in all links. You may have heard people say that web pages are stateless. If you have passed all the information into the browser, they would be closer to stateful applications, but would be difficult to manage. In this chapter, we will...