Using Spyglass and Couchbase to share state between JVMs
Spyglass is a very fast Memcached client to share states between JVMs.
Spyglass is a future complete client to support almost all of the Memcached protocol operations, as well as binary and text protocols. Spyglass supports not only synchronous accesses to Memcached but also asynchronous accesses to it.
We will use a Couchbase Server as a Memcached server and access it using Spyglass.
Getting ready
Installing Couchbase and setting up Memcached takes several steps. We will instruct you how to do them.
Setting up dependencies in project.clj
You need to add the spyglass
to your project.clj
file to run samples (or any other dependency management you are using):
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"] [clojurewerkz/spyglass "1.0.0"]]
Setting up Couchbase Server as a Memcached server
Couchbase Server is an awesome ultrascale document-oriented NoSQL Server. Couchbase Server can be set up as a Memcached server. We will set up Couchbase...