Operation of Hardware
When considering how robust your architecture is, it’s easy to overlook its most basic component—electricity. No piece of technology can work without it; even a mobile device has a battery. If you want to ensure availability for systems that rely on electricity, you must provide redundancy for power to counter power outages. This is typically done through the use of various forms of uninterruptible power sources (UPSs), which are electrical devices that deliver emergency power to one or more computers when the main power source fails. A UPS may come in various sizes, from small ones that can provide backup power to a single computer for a few minutes to large ones that can power an entire data center for days at a time. UPSs are the first line of defense against a power interruption, but they usually only last for as long as the batteries contained within the UPS can provide power. For an extended outage, another form of backup power (such as a generator...