Time for action - formatting scene heading
Be sure that your scene headings are all in the Scene Heading element, as shown in the following screenshot:
There is a bar indicating this in my example.
1. To determine which element a line is in (inside a Celtx script), left click anywhere in that line to get an editing cursor (vertical flashing bar) and look in the box to the upper left where the drop-down menu for elements is.
2. If it's in the correct format (Scene Heading), we'll see those words. If not, click on the down arrow on the right side of the elements window and click on Scene Heading. This puts the entire line in the correct format.
To properly track our scenes, Celtx has to know where the scene headings are. This emphasis on proper element formatting applies to everything including the other formats we'll be looking at in the rest of this chapter—Action, Character, Dialog, Parenthetical, Transition, Shot, and Text.
Okay, we know how to title our scenes. So, what goes in them? Basically...