Section 1: Why Fyne? The Reason for Being and a Vision of the Future
Since their invention nearly 50 years ago, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) have been the standard way to interact with a software product. In this time they have evolved, and traditional graphical applications are being challenged by the ubiquity of web-based software and new interaction methods for smartphones and handheld computers. Despite these new trends, there are still many reasons why building a native graphical application could be the right strategy for your product—especially if it could be deployed to all the platforms available.
In this section, we will see how GUIs and the graphical toolkits used to program them have evolved. We will explore the pros and cons of the technologies over the years and how some can be used for cross-platform development. We will learn about the Fyne project, its background and vision, and how it aims to be an ideal solution to the evolving needs of GUI development...