- AccountCreated field / Creating our tables
- Account Creation Page, VuPoint application
- about / Account Creation Page
- form, validating / Validate the form
- new account, writing to database / Writing a new account to the database
- Login Page / The Login Page
- Main page view / Main page view
- account creation screen / Account creation screen
- Achievement module
- about / The Achievement module
- achievers
- about / Players, Achievers
- badges / Badges
- leveling/progress / Leveling/progress
- challenges / Challenges
- engagement loops / Player type: Achiever
- activity loops
- about / Activity loops
- engagement loops / Activity loops
- progression loops / Activity loops
- AjaxHandler.php
- about / AjaxHandler.php
- ajax_handler / AjaxHandler.php
- autonomy, PENS model / Autonomy
- avatars / Tools
- badges / Tools
- about / Badges
- BadgesEarned field / Creating our tables
- Badgeville
- about / Badgeville
- Bartle's Test of Gamer Psychology
- URL / Gamification
- Bartles Game Test
- of Gamer Psychology / Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology
- about / Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology
- killers / Killers
- achievers / Achievers
- socializers / Socializers
- explorers / Explorers
- behavioral life cycle, phases
- about / Target behaviors
- boss fight / Tools
- challenges
- about / Challenges
- classroom
- gamification / Gamification in the classroom
- competency, PENS model / Competency
- components
- about / Pyramid of game elements
- Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- about / jQuery
- Coursera
- URL / Gamification
- creator / Our players
- CurrentlyLoggedIn field / Creating our tables
- design matrix / Gamification design matrix (Table A – 2)
- development environment
- about / Our development environment
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- about / jQuery
- dynamics
- about / Pyramid of game elements
- education
- gamification history / History of gamification in education
- gamification, future / The future of gamification in education
- resources, URL / Gamification
- info, URL / Gamification
- Email Address field / Creating our tables
- engagement loops / Activity loops
- for killers / Player type: Killer
- for achievers / Player type: Achiever
- for socializers / Player type: Socializer
- for explorers / Player type: Explorer
- explorers
- about / Players, Explorers
- engagement loops / Player type: Explorer
- extrinsic behavior
- versus intrinsic behavior / Intrinsic versus extrinsic behavior
- fun
- in school / Having fun at school
- sensation / Fun
- narrative / Fun
- challenge / Fun
- fantasy / Fun
- fellowship / Fun
- discovery / Fun
- expression / Fun
- submission / Fun
- about / What makes "fun" fun?
- Game Dynamics
- examples / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- Game Elements
- examples / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- Game Mechanics
- examples / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- game theory
- about / What exactly is gamification?
- gamification
- about / What exactly is gamification?
- used, by schools / Schools using gamification
- history, in education / History of gamification in education
- in universities / Gamification in universities
- future, in in education / The future of gamification in education
- in classroom / Gamification in the classroom
- toolbox / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- news and information, URL / Gamification
- summit, URL / Gamification
- course by Coursera and University of Penn, URL / Gamification
- certification, URL / Gamification
- on education, resources URL / Gamification
- of education info graphic, URL / Gamification
- design matrix / Gamification design matrix (Table A – 2)
- Gamification Design Framework
- target behaviors / Target behaviors, Players
- activity loops / Activity loops
- fun / Fun
- tools / Tools
- account creation screen / Account creation screen
- gamification wiki
- URL / Gamification
- Gigya plugins
- about / Gigya plugins
- Home page, VuPoint application / The Home page
- intrinsic behavior
- versus extrinsic behavior / Intrinsic versus extrinsic behavior
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) / The Achievement module
- jQuery
- about / jQuery
- Vupoint.js / Vupoint.js
- Index.html / Index.html
- jqueryfileupload object / Third party plugins
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- documentation, URL / jQuery
- Khan Academy
- about / Khan Academy
- URL / Khan Academy
- killers
- about / Players, Killers
- leader boards / Leaderboards
- defending, rewards for / Rewards for defending and critiquing posts
- critiquing posts, rewards for / Rewards for defending and critiquing posts
- engagement loops / Player type: Killer
- LAMP stack
- installing / Installing a LAMP stack
- Leader Board module
- about / The Leaderboard module
- leader boards / Tools
- about / Leaderboards
- Leveling / Monopoly Academy
- leveling/progress
- about / Leveling/progress
- Login Count field / Creating our tables
- LoginLogin field / Creating our tables
- Login Page
- about / The Login Page
- Main page view
- about / Main page view
- URL / Installing a LAMP stack
- mechanics
- about / Pyramid of game elements
- mission / Tools
- Monopoly Academy
- about / Monopoly Academy
- URL / Monopoly Academy
- downloading, URL / MySQL
- resources, URL / MySQL
- software tool, URL / MySQL
- MySQL database
- creating / Creating the MySQL database
- news and information
- URL / Gamification
- offline players / Players currently online
- Password field / Creating our tables
- PBLs
- about / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- PENS model
- about / The player's experience
- competency / Competency
- autonomy / Autonomy
- relatedness / Relatedness
- PHP / Our development environment
- manual and documentation, URL / PHP
- developers, URL / PHP
- scripts and classes, URL / PHP
- Player field / Creating our tables
- PlayerID field / Creating our tables
- players
- about / Players
- killers / Players, Killers
- achievers / Players
- socializers / Players
- explorers / Players
- poster / Our players
- teammates / Our players
- starters / Our players
- creator / Our players
- rookies / Our players
- veterans / Our players
- offline / Players currently online
- plugins
- third-party plugins / Third party plugins
- Gigya plugins / Gigya plugins
- points / Tools
- points field / Creating our tables
- poster / Our players
- progression loops / Activity loops, Progression loops
- Pyramid of Game Elements
- about / Pyramid of game elements
- dynamics / Pyramid of game elements
- mechanics / Pyramid of game elements
- components / Pyramid of game elements
- Quest2Learn
- about / Quest2Learn
- URL / Quest2Learn
- quests / Tools
- relatedness, PENS model / Relatedness
- reward / Tools
- rookies / Our players
- schools
- gamification, using / Schools using gamification
- Scoring module
- about / The Scoring module
- socializers
- about / Players, Socializers
- sharing / Socializers
- teaming / Socializers
- engagement loops / Player type: Socializer
- Spongelab
- about / Spongelab
- URL / Spongelab
- Stack Overflow
- URL / Troubleshooting the WAMP server setup
- starters / Our players
- summit
- URL / Gamification
- tables
- creating / Creating our tables
- Player field / Creating our tables
- PlayerID field / Creating our tables
- UserName field / Creating our tables
- Password field / Creating our tables
- points field / Creating our tables
- BadgesEarned field / Creating our tables
- Email Address field / Creating our tables
- Login Count field / Creating our tables
- LoginLogin field / Creating our tables
- CurrentlyLoggedIn field / Creating our tables
- AccountCreated field / Creating our tables
- posts / Creating our tables
- activity / Creating our tables
- topics / Creating our tables
- team / Tools
- teammates / Our players
- third party plugins
- about / Third party plugins
- toolbox, gamification
- about / Gamification toolbox – better than PBLs
- tools
- about / Tools
- achievements / Tools
- avatars / Tools
- badges / Tools
- boss fight / Tools
- leader boards / Tools
- points / Tools
- quests / Tools
- mission / Tools
- reward / Tools
- team / Tools
- virtual assets / Tools
- universities
- gamification / Gamification in universities
- University of Penn
- URL / Gamification
- UserName field / Creating our tables
- veterans / Our players
- virtual assets / Tools
- VuPoint application
- about / The VuPoint application
- jQuery / jQuery
- Home page / The Home page
- Account Creation Page / Account Creation Page
- about / Installing a LAMP stack
- downloading / Installing a LAMP stack
- server setup, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting the WAMP server setup
- World of Classcraft
- about / World of Classcraft
- URL / World of Classcraft
- URL / Installing a LAMP stack
- URL / Youtopia
- about / Youtopia