Time for action – joining the Blender windows
In addition to creating new windows, you can remove any window. Blender windows are easy to remove. The steps are as follows:
Bring the cursor over the upper-left window, and then the cursor over the diagonal lines at the lower-left corner of that window.
Hold down the LMB while you move the cursor down towards the window below it. The window below becomes darker and there is a light gray arrow pointing into that window.
Continue to hold down the LMB and move the cursor up to the original window; it becomes darker and has an arrow pointing into it, as shown in the following screenshot. Whichever window is darker and has the arrow will disappear when you release the mouse button.
If you find you don't want the window to disappear, just move the cursor into another window besides those two. The arrow will go away and you can release the mouse button without any changes happening.
What just happened?
To join two windows, you selected the diagonal lines...