- $.append() method, jQuery
- using / Avoiding multiple DOM reflow
- all-in-one router
- about / The all-in-one router
- working with / Working with Asynchronous Module Definition
- about / Working with Asynchronous Module Definition
- Require.js, adding to application / Adding Require.js to your project
- dependencies, configuring / Configuring dependencies
- module, defining / Defining a module
- appendHtml() method / Working with CompositeView
- application architecture
- creating / Creating application architecture
- project directory, managing / Managing a project directory
- code organization, AMD used / Organizing code with AMD
- application, setting up / Setting up an application
- application, setting up using module pattern / Using the module pattern
- view management / Understanding view management
- features / Understanding other important features
- application directory structure
- about / Understanding the application directory structure
- AuraJS
- benefits / Using the module pattern
- automatic model-view data binding
- about / Understanding automatic model-view data binding
- Backbone
- data validation / Validating the data
- custom events / Understanding custom events
- event dispatcher / Using an event dispatcher
- reference books / Books for reference
- online tutorials / Tutorials
- plugins / Other plugins and tutorials
- tutorials / Other plugins and tutorials
- Backbone-Debugger
- about / Other plugins and tutorials
- Backbone-relational plugin
- URL / Understanding the relational data model
- about / Understanding the relational data model
- features / Understanding the relational data model
- example / Understanding the relational data model
- Backbone.Collection
- about / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone.Events
- about / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone.Events class / Understanding custom events
- Backbone.js
- basic components / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone.js API
- URL / Working with routers
- Backbone.LocalStorage adapter
- used, for offline storage / Offline storage using the Backbone.LocalStorage adapter
- Backbone.Model
- about / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone.Router
- about / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone.sync() method
- overriding / Overriding the Backbone.sync() method
- overirdding / Overriding the Backbone.sync() method
- Backbone.Validation plugin
- using / Using the Backbone.Validation plugin
- Backbone.View
- about / Basic components of Backbone.js
- Backbone app
- setting up / Setting up an application
- setting up, module pattern used / Using the module pattern
- objects and module communication, managing / Managing objects and module communication
- objects and module communication, managing using observer/PubSub pattern / Using the observer/PubSub pattern
- objects and module communication, managing using mediator pattern / Using the mediator pattern
- Backbone components
- testing, QUnit used / Testing Backbone.js components with QUnit
- Backbone models
- usage / Basic usage of models
- defaults property, using / Using the defaults property
- object references, avoiding in defaults property / Avoiding object references in the defaults property
- data operations, with server / Data interaction with the server
- serializing / Serializing models
- Backbone views
- usage / Basic usage of views
- el property / Understanding the el property
- view events, listening to / Listening to view events
- model data, displaying with templates / Displaying model data with templates
- updating partially / Partially updating a view
- nested views / Understanding nested views
- templates, working with / Working with templates
- automatic model-view data binding / Understanding automatic model-view data binding
- base router
- about / The base router
- baseUrl config
- about / Configuring dependencies
- basic test case, QUnit
- performing / Performing a basic test case
- beforeRender() method / Using Layout Manager
- best practices, routers
- large functional code, avoiding in route methods / Avoiding large functional code in route methods
- views, instantiating in router methods / Instantiating views in router methods
- regular expressions, using, for selective routing / Using regular expressions for selective routing
- classic mixins
- creating / Creating classic mixins
- close() method / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method
- code
- reusing, with extensions / Re-using code with extensions
- base class, creating / Creating a base class
- code organization
- about / Understanding the application directory structure
- collection
- features / Basic usage of collections
- usage / Basic usage of collections
- used, for performing data operations / Performing data operations with collections
- sorting / Sorting a collection
- sorting, with multiple attributes / Sorting a collection with multiple attributes
- filtering / Filtering a collection
- basic filtering, performing / Performing basic filtering
- filtering, with duplicate collection / Filtering a collection with a duplicate collection
- self-filtering, with full data pointer / Self-filtering with full data pointers
- CollectionView class
- about / CollectionView
- features / CollectionView
- close() method / CollectionView
- CompositeView
- about / Working with CompositeView
- functions / Working with CompositeView
- working with / Working with CompositeView
- curry() pattern
- used, for combining function and arguments / Using curry to combine a function and arguments
- defining / Using curry to combine a function and arguments
- custom events
- about / Understanding custom events
- creating / Understanding custom events
- case study / A simple case study on custom events
- data-main attribute / Adding Require.js to your project
- data operations, with collection
- performing / Performing data operations with collections
- data, fetching from server / Fetching data from the server
- data, saving to server / Saving data to the server
- data operations, with server
- model, creating / Creating a model
- model, updating / Updating a model
- model, fetching / Fetching a model
- model, deleting / Deleting a model, Validating the data
- data validation, model
- about / Validating the data
- Backbone.Validation plugin, used / Using the Backbone.Validation plugin
- validation rules, configuring / Configuring validation rules
- model, prevalidating with preValidate() method / Prevalidating a model with the preValidate() method
- define() method / Defining a module
- deps config
- about / Configuring dependencies
- destroy() method
- about / Deleting a model
- DOM handling
- about / Understanding other important features
- el property
- about / Understanding the el property
- error handler
- about / Understanding other important features
- event dispatcher
- about / Using an event dispatcher
- issues / Using an event dispatcher
- multiple event dispatchers, creating / Creating multiple event dispatchers
- naming convention / Using different event namespaces
- expect() method / Performing a basic test case
- exports config
- about / Configuring dependencies
- fetch() method
- about / Fetching a model
- findWhere() method / Filtering a collection
- functional mixins
- creating / Creating functional mixins
- mixin functions, caching / Caching mixin functions
- getNameAsArray() method / Testing with spies
- getUserDetails() method / Using the mediator pattern
- getView method / Using Layout Manager
- initialize() method / Displaying model data with templates, Re-rendering parent views
- isPrime() method / Performing a basic test case
- ItemView
- about / ItemView
- functionalities / ItemView
- serializeData() method / ItemView
- close() method / ItemView
- JavaScript mixins
- about / Understanding JavaScript mixins
- classic mixins, creating / Creating classic mixins
- functional mixins, creating / Creating functional mixins
- join() method / Storing templates in a JavaScript file
- Layout Manager
- about / Using Layout Manager
- using / Using Layout Manager
- UserDetails view / Using Layout Manager
- UserItem view / Using Layout Manager
- UserList view / Using Layout Manager
- serialize() method, using / Using Layout Manager
- listenTo() method / Displaying model data with templates
- used, for memory management / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method
- ListItemView class / What is a mixin?
- Lo-dash library
- URL / Using Underscore.js
- about / Using Underscore.js
- loadEvents() method / Using the mediator pattern
- loggedin event / Using an event dispatcher
- Marionette
- URL / Using Marionette's ItemView, CollectionView, and CompositeView
- about / Using Marionette's ItemView, CollectionView, and CompositeView
- ItemView / ItemView
- CollectionView / CollectionView
- CompositeView / Working with CompositeView
- memory management
- about / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method, Understanding other important features
- listenTo() method, using / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method
- memory leaks, avoiding with listenTo() method / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method
- mixin
- about / What is a mixin?
- mMocks
- testing with / Testing with mocks
- differenciating, with sStubs / Difference between mocks and stubs
- model data, views
- displaying, with templates / Displaying model data with templates
- module() method, QUnit
- about / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- multiple event dispatchers
- creating / Creating multiple event dispatchers
- multiple filtering
- disadvantage / Self-filtering with full data pointers
- multiple model types
- filtering / Understanding the collection of multiple model types
- multiple routers
- about / Understanding other important features
- nested views
- about / Understanding nested views
- subviews, using / Knowing when to use subviews
- offline storage
- Backbone.LocalStorage adapter, used / Offline storage using the Backbone.LocalStorage adapter
- on() method / Displaying model data with templates
- online tutorials
- unit testing / Unit testing
- paths config
- about / Configuring dependencies
- plugins
- developing, without extending base classes / Developing plugins without extending base classes
- about / Other plugins and tutorials
- preValidate() method
- used, for prevalidating model / Prevalidating a model with the preValidate() method
- QUnit
- URL / Testing with QUnit
- about / Testing with QUnit
- basic test case, performing / Performing a basic test case
- module() method / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- setup() method / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- teardown() method / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- Backbone components, testing / Testing Backbone.js components with QUnit
- relational data model
- about / Understanding the relational data model
- remove() method / Avoiding memory leaks with the listenTo() method
- render() function / Displaying model data with templates
- require.config() method / Configuring dependencies
- Require.js
- URL / Working with Asynchronous Module Definition
- adding, to application / Adding Require.js to your project
- properties / Configuring dependencies
- requirejs-tpl plugin
- used, for precompiling / Precompiling with the requirejs-tpl plugin
- about / Precompiling with the requirejs-tpl plugin
- routers
- working with / Working with routers
- best practices / Best practices for working with routers
- save() method
- about / Updating a model
- serialize() method / Using Layout Manager
- set() method / Fetching data from the server
- setModel() method / Using Layout Manager
- setup() method, QUnit
- about / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- setView() method / Using Layout Manager
- shim config
- about / Configuring dependencies
- showChangedAddress() method / Partially updating a view
- showUserName() method / Understanding nested views
- sort() method / Sorting a collection
- sSpies
- testing with / Testing with spies
- startDrag() method / Using curry to combine a function and arguments
- stubs
- testing with / Testing with stubs
- subrouter
- about / Subrouting – a key to organizing complex apps
- all-in-one router / The all-in-one router
- base router / The base router
- users module router / The Users module router
- subrouting
- about / Subrouting – a key to organizing complex apps
- subviews
- about / Knowing when to use subviews
- using / Knowing when to use subviews
- multiple DOM reflow, avoiding / Avoiding multiple DOM reflow
- parent views, re-rendering / Re-rendering parent views
- parent views, removing / Removing parent views
- teardown() method, QUnit
- about / Understanding the QUnit module (), setup (), and teardown () methods
- template compilation
- about / Precompiling templates
- template helper functions
- using / Using template helper functions
- templates, views
- about / Working with templates
- storing, in HTML file / Storing templates in an HTML file
- storing, in JavaScript file / Storing templates in a JavaScript file
- precompiling / Precompiling templates
- evaluation, avoiding / Avoiding evaluation in templates
- template helper functions, using / Using template helper functions
- Test Driven Development (TDD) / Understanding why unit testing is important
- toJSON() method
- about / Basic usage of models
- tutorials
- about / Tutorials
- Underscore.js
- URL / Using Underscore.js
- about / Using Underscore.js
- functions / Using Underscore.js
- benefits / Using Underscore.js
- unit testing
- benefits / Understanding why unit testing is important
- about / Unit testing
- users module router
- about / The Users module router
- UserView class / Understanding the el property
- utility methods
- about / Understanding other important features
- validate() method
- about / Validating the data
- view events
- listening to / Listening to view events
- view management
- about / Understanding view management
- Where() method / Filtering a collection
- where() method / Performing basic filtering