Definition of a MultiGroupClip
A MultiGroup Clip is one clip that contains two or more Group Clips. You could say it’s a Group of Group Clips. As a matter of fact, if you look at a MultiGroup Clip while it’s loaded in the Source Monitor (using the Toggle Source/Record In Timeline function), then you’ll actually be able to see the individual Group Clips that are within it.
While you might think that you would first create the separate Group Clips and then, in a second operation, instruct them to be MultiGrouped together, that is actually not the case. Instead, like Group Clips, MultiGroup Clips are created from Master Clips and/or Subclips. Further, they can only be correctly created from Master Clips and/or Subclips that have sequential timecode. Avid states, “The MultiGroup function is designed primarily for situation comedies and similar productions that record multiple takes sequentially on the same source tapes. MultiGrouping does not provide any benefit when you edit with clips that do not share common timecode or were not recorded sequentially, and might even cause the wrong clips to be grouped together.”
The icon for a MultiGroup Clip looks like the icon for a regular Group Clip, however, you will also see a small Plus Symbol on the left of it. Honestly, the plus symbol is so small that it looks like a dot when it’s viewed at normal size. See the next screenshot: