Adding your company's logo
Whether you're creating a training presentation or one for sales, you're probably going to want to take the opportunity to let people know about your company. In a regular PowerPoint presentation, this usually means putting your logo at the beginning and end of the presentation. Some people put it in a corner of the slides, taking up valuable "real estate", which is utilized for the message you are trying to present.
Articulate Presenter gives you the opportunity to provide your company's logo on every Flash video file without taking anything away from the slides. This is done by putting your logo in the sidebar. Articulate is able to do this because modern computer monitors have a "wide screen" format (aspect ratio of 16:9) while PowerPoint still operates in a standard format (aspect ratio of 4:3). The extra space in the monitor makes it easy to add the sidebar without reducing the size of the slide.
Getting ready
You'll need a presentation that you can work with...