Interacting with devices
In this section, we will get hands-on and practical with devices. We will perform create, list, delete, tag, and untag operations on a device, as well as list all the devices and show all the parameters of specific devices. Open up the command terminal, and then we’ll execute the commands in the following sections.
Creating a device
Firstly, we will start by creating a device. The documentation on device creation can be found at Before you execute the command, connect your development board to your computer and find out the port number and FQBN for your device from the documentation page. The following is the syntax of the device
arduino-cloud-cli device create --name <deviceName> --port <port> --fqbn <deviceFqbn>
I attached the MKR Wi-Fi 1010 to my computer, which is available on port /dev/cu.usbmodem101
, and its FQBN is arduino...