Chapter 12. The End of the Beginning
This book is almost done, but there is so much more to know about writing code in Python and ArcPy. Unfortunately, I can't fit it all into one book, but that also means that you get to have fun exploring all of the methods and properties of ArcPy. As a conclusion to the book, we will cover some other important topics that can crop up when writing ArcPy scripts. Combined with the lessons from earlier chapters, I hope you'll soon be using ArcPy at work, at school, or just for fun (why not?).
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- Working with field information – types, aliases, domains, spatial types, and more
- Accessing information describing a Feature Class
- Automatically generating a Feature Class and populating it with fields
- Automatically creating File Geodatabases and Feature Datasets
- Creating a Script tool that will run the bus stop analysis and generate results in an automatically generated File Geodatabase, Feature Dataset...