Visualize machine learning models with Databricks notebook
Databricks provides flexibility to visualize machine learning models using the built-in display()
command that displays DataFrames as a table and creates convenient one-click plots. In the following recipe we'll, we'll see how to visualize data with Databricks notebook.
Getting ready
To step through this recipe, you will need a running Spark cluster in any one of the modes, that is, local, standalone, YARN, or Mesos. Install Hadoop (optionally), Scala, and Java. Create a user account in Databricks and get access for the Notebook.
How to do it…
The fitted versus residuals plot is available for linear regression and logistic regression models. The Databricks fitted versus residuals plot is analogous to R's residuals versus fitted plot for linear models. Linear regression computes a prediction as a weighted sum of the input variables. The fitted versus residuals plot can be used to assess a linear regression model's goodness of fit. The...